Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Beings of Independence?

If God, the One who created and sustains life (Colossians 1:16-17), exists, then should we not be subject to Him? Is He not the most important thing, or being, we could ever think about? If we depend on Him for every breath we take, every step we walk, why should we not be subject to Him? Our existence, without God, is no existence at all. If God exists as a personal, loving and perfect God, which He must according to the concept of man being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), then He must desire a relationship with us. Does desire mean that God needs a relationship with us? Of course not. God is self-sustaining which means that God needs nothing to exist. This is best described in Exodus 3:14, 14God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'" I AM has the direct implication that “nothing was before Me and nothing is after Me because I not only sustain myself, but I exist infinitely”. If God is perfect and can see nothing but perfection, how is it that a human, being sinful and full of evil (Genesis 3), could relate to the perfection that is God​? Surely we could do nothing to please God. There are no amount of good deeds and/or good works that could bring us close to a perfect God that has no wrong and no evil. If God has a standard of perfection, how do we think that we as humans could attain that by trying to do good things on earth? For us to come into a relationship with God must mean that God had to bring us to Himself... reconciliation (John 12:32). A completely perfect being cannot make an imperfect decision. If God chose to redeem us, then that must be a perfect, and good, decision. And God, being perfect, must also be just and punish evil. For God cannot be perfect and accept evil. God, in the form of the man Jesus Christ, reconciled all humanity to Himself. He, that is God, came to earth and lived the perfect life, the life that only God himself could live. God became fully man (Philippians 2:7) and relieved Himself of His divine power (Philippians 2:5-8) so that he could taste death for everyone (Hebrews 2:9). Not only did He taste death, but He Himself saw no decay (Acts 13:37), but rather was raised from the dead(John 20). The resurrection of Christ was the final step in God's plan of reconciliation (John 16:16-22). The man Jesus Christ was one with the Father God (John 5:18-32, 10:30). Jesus is the savior that God sent down to reconcile fallen humanity (Genesis 3) to Himself (John 14:6, Romans 10:9, Revelation 3:20, Acts 13:38-39, 1 Thessalonians 4:14, Colossians 1:13-14). Through Him, that is Christ Jesus, forgiveness of sins, the wrong things we have done that separate us from the presence of the perfect God, is proclaimed to us (Acts 13:38). We can enter the presence of God without fear by simply accepting this free gift God has offered to us. You see, He, God, desires a relationship with His creation. So much so that He came down in the form of a man, Christ Jesus, to make that relationship possible. All He asks is that we accept His forgiveness proclaimed through Christ. We just cry out to God saying Abba, Father (Romans 8:14-15) and say “Lord, I want Jesus' death on the cross to apply to my life, I know that I am a sinner and that I am separated from you God, but I want that gap bridged and I believe that the death and resurrection of Your Son Jesus Christ is the bandage that will heal this wound of separation”. Once we make this choice and proclaim it vocally to God (Romans 10:9) He will send us His Holy Spirit(John 16:5-15) as the helper(John 16:5-15) that we so desperately need. Those who choose to refrain from accepting this free gift will suffer the just punishment of the perfect God, that punishment being eternal separation from His good and perfect presence (Romans 1:18-32, Colossians 1:13) . In other words, we will be in Hell. We are not independent beings, nor were we created to be. We may want to be independent, we may say that if we do not believe in God that we are independent because God does not exist, but the truth is that you exist because God wants you to exist and because God causes you to exist. No matter which way we look at it, we are always dependent on God, whether we believe He exists or not.