Sunday, March 13, 2011

1 Thessalonians Notes

- Written to the church at Thessalonica

- They are believers as denoted in v. 1

- Written by Paul, Silas (Silvanus), and Timothy

- Vs. 1 is Paul’s typical introduction to his letters

- Vs. 2-3 is a commendation of the members of the church in Thessalonica. Paul, Silas (Silvanus), and Timothy are in prayer for this church, and thanking God for what an awesome church that their hope (confident assurance) in Jesus Christ has brought about

o They are thanking God for the work done in the church

o Going through some sort of persecution as denoted by the word “endurance.”

- Vs. 4-5 the phrase “brothers and sisters” refers to believers, members of God’s family by adoption through Jesus Christ.

o They are loved by God.

o God has “chosen them.” IE. They have become part of God’s adopted family and Paul knows this because of how the gospel has shown fruit in their lives; the Holy Spirit and Conviction.

o The gospel wasn’t simply spoken and then brushed off, but really stuck with them and bore major fruit in their lives.

o Paul, Silas (Silvanus) and Timothy lived with the Thessalonians in order to help them; for your sake.

- Vs. 6 Paul, Silas (Silvanus), and Timothy’s actions led the Thessalonians to become imitators of the way they lived their lives. Paul, Silas (Silvanus) and Timothy’s lives were given to the Lord and they were imitators of Jesus Christ; this led the Thessalonians to become imitators of Christ because Paul was imitating Christ and they were imitating Paul’s lifestyle.

o Major suffering in their midst, but they welcomed the gospel with joy that was given by the Holy Spirit.

- Vs. 7-8 The Thessalonians have become a model church for the rest of the believers across the world. The Macedonians and those in Achaia looked to the church in Thessalonica so they could become imitators of them.

o The way the church in Thessalonica integrated the gospel with the help of the Holy Spirit was spread everywhere. The implication is that believers, and most likely non believers, were talking about how awesome this church was all across the world.

o Paul, Silas (Silvanus), and Timothy feel no need to say anything about their church.

- Vs. 9- 10 Those across the world that have heard the goodness of the church in Thessalonica openly speak about it everywhere, therefore Paul felt no need to say anything about their church because it is already being made known across the world

o Thessalonians were once in a pit of idol worship, but they turned from that to belief in the One True God once the gospel was preached. This is what people are talking about in Macedonia, Achaia and all across the world.

o They are waiting for Jesus’ 2nd coming. They know that Jesus was the Christ because of His being raised from the dead.

o Jesus is going to rescue them from God’s judgment (wrath) and the Thessalonians are awaiting that rescue, just as Paul is.

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