Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Problem with Worship Services

This is something that I have been burdened about for many years, and, after working several months on this, have finally finished part 1 of this text. It is controversial, but controversial with reason. Please, read and see the Scriptures for yourself. Jesus in Mark 12:38-44 gives us a picture which contrasts the flashy "religious practices" of the Scribes who claim to love, serve, and worship God with a widow who sacrificially gives everything that she has (the equivalent of between $.91 and $1.91). Jesus commends the widow and condemns the Scribes, even though it would seem to everyone at the time as if the Scribes were the ones whose lives were radically devoted to serving their God (read the passage, everyone besides Jesus believed this). As we begin to further understand what it is that God really desires from us, we will begin to see the blessing(s) of God in full force when others are confessing His name "in the thousands."

"The Problem with Worship Services"

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